• Profile photo of sunny

      sunny posted an update

      2 months ago (edited)

      I just woke up in the mood to argue . This app goes so fast and it feels so anonymous and like its a waste of my time to post. None of you people enjoy common sense anyhow. So why should I bother trying to convince you? Nobody likes anything made out of garbage anymore. Because they can make payments on anything. Maybe I’m just old-fashioned. But I’m not even getting the false sense of. Community anymore here. honestly, we should all just wear shirts that say… Shhhhh. Nobody cares.

      yes, this is about Insect netting. I don’t care who you vote for. But for the love of God… Just admit that insect netting Is the goddamn shit. It’s fucking is I don’t know why I am still trying to convince idiots of this. Look if you don’t have insect netting, then God help you. Because I can’t.

      backyard-boogie, pungolian and 6 others
      • Hey Sunny, chin up. Just remember… I have all of September and October to hear about bud rot on the show and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh. And scream I told you so to absolutely no one.

        • I’m only here for your content Sunny. I love your passion for insect netting.

        • myokgarden (edited)

          Um, I search for a few names when I log in… Maybe yours is one of em, maybe it isn’t? Just teasing. 😜 Turn that frown upside down soldier! That’s an Order! https://youtube.com/shorts/IJip25Dzoqk?si=IFHqhU91NPBvDYYh

          • @myokgarden what do you mean searching? It’s quite possible that I am not using this app. In the proper way. Anyhow, I thought you were never going to post again? I tried to find out why. But I don’t get notifications on replies. I get notifications on everything. Which means I see nothing. You must have come to the realization that we have already signed our lives away for a free Flashlight app. Haaa haaaa I let them scan my eyeball to avoid having to wait in an uncomfortable area at the airport. Let’s hope I don’t have to go on the run.

            • @myokgarden do you have an outside garden? And if so, are you using insect netting? I’m not saying it is 100%. But it’s really about the only way to keep the moths and butterflies from laying eggs. And they are the secret silent killer. Everyone thinks they’re good to go until its egg hatching season… But that’s cool whatever. Anyhow, I hope you are smart enough to know why screens are wonderful inventions.

              • myokgarden (edited)

                Screens are good I think. I didn’t fully seal my greenhouse. Left front window area just screened for airflow and rock the plants in a natural temperature environment. They have kept bugs at bay for sure. Outside though not sure. I just use DE and Neem. Learned from the “DUDE” to give your plants a good old fashioned rinse. Water on its own works wonders. Hence why problems get worse when it’s hot and dry I think. Learned about breaking a bugs life cycle when my last cat had fleas. Was the only thing that worked. Yes I garden outdoors. This app isn’t everyone’s go too yet. I’m sure before a pro can step in they may wanna consult first as not to fog the site with bad info. A little patience may be needed before this thing hums like X… If missed anything it’s cause I only had time to skim…

              • @myokgarden I use the net over my vegetables that do not get pollinated. Everything else in the yard is a free-for-all. But when it comes to my vegetables, my greenhouse and my indoor… No no and get the fuck out. I like to use diatomaceous earth in my vegetable beds because I have it screened off. I will not accidentally kill my beneficial insects. I’m just guessing but I bet I have three bad types of bugs and easily 10 types of good bugs. Be very careful with the diatomaceous earth. I ruined my property for a solid three years. I’m not joking. I got my hands on a 50 pound bag of it. I thought that putting it on everything would be great. I killed everything. All of the pollinators, all the bees, all my good wasps. I killed everything. And guess who came back First? Well, of course, aphids. I just won’t fuck around anymore outside after what I did. I destroyed everything. Flowers everything. No squash no tomatoes nothing.

            • Why does it keep copying the conversation? That makes it more confusing. It’s true. I would spend more time on this app. Simply swimming through the excess. However, ultimately would eventually invest less and less time. Human laziness of the eye.

              • Love hearing from you honestly, so much knowledge to take in but some of us are just dumb. Including myself, I ended up bbq’n one plant this year due to no netting.

                Here you go thought I’d share this. Catapillar shitting all over my tomatoes. 🤣

                • @backyard-boogie Oh my god that’s so funny that you just said that about your tomatoes! I just walked in the house after doing my morning egg detection on the tomatoes. I told my husband, I said shit, if people ain’t going out every single morning and checking for eggs!! I collected my eggs and got some new leaves and I’m setting up a tank that I can witness them doing their caterpillar thing better. They’re really cool to watch when they’re not on your tomatoes! Pop them eggs! You can’t put netting on stuff that needs to be pollinated. So in this situation… You did the right thing. However, you did the wrong thing by not paying attention. Yeah. there are a lot of people that are probably so much smarter if they would pull their head away from their telephones. Get out and observe nature while it’s in its buggiest season. They’re actually really cool.