• Profile photo of one-eyed-cat

      one-eyed-cat posted an update

      2 months ago

      If this was a meme, what would it say?

      budwinjones, myokgarden and goodguycanna
      • myokgarden (edited)

        This is gonna be tough. Too many rushing my head. I gotta go watch some Scotty shorts to maybe get the cherry on top! Screenshot ✅

        • When the dab hits so good you start your own slow clap

          • Scotty: Have you ever seen the back of a bag of “Grow Dots” man?

            Potential Customer: Naw I don’t know yo?

            Scotty: Have you ever seen the back of a bag of “Grow Dots” on “Weed?” Ah, there’s some weird shit in there man. It’s got Nitrogen, phosphorus, calcium, is that some bad shit in the “fine print?” I don’t know…

            Current Customer: Already bought some why you were over there “not shutting the fuck up about em” n shit! All the info you need is over on DGC.Com… BNR is cool, Dude is Cool, Grambo is Cool! Fuq you “Scotty” Im out….

            • I didn’t mean it Scotty

              • Grambo, kindly sir, would you PULL👏🏼 UP👏🏼THAT👏🏼 CHART👏🏼

              • “Dude, my hands are stuck together”

              • Please Grambo. I just double checked yo shit to make sure I was subbed. About that… Anyway I’ve peeped your comedy and thought it was great! Would be nice to have a certified funny guys approval! Can’t all be gems ya know?