• Profile photo of looplife

      looplife posted an update

      2 months ago

      Here is my big lady im kinda pround of her even tho its not getting as mich light as i would like growers re charge and grow dots is the shit this is the white tahoe og in a 100 gallon im getting a bit overwhelmed of her size so idk if i should prune more of thd inside or bottom what do you guys think ?

      ohigrow, myokgarden and trichome_hunter
      • I like to finish pruning lower and inner branches before the end of the vegetative growth, the plant will heal the cuts better before flower onset. The amount of stuff you can safely leave down there is very strain and environnment related.

        • Rite on bro I’ll probably take off another row or so but it might be to late it’s soon to into flowering

        • Get that airflow
