• I have a question for anyone who cares to chime in, this is not a swipe at Fast Buds they have great things going on;

      In the AWC competition the FB strain Apricot Auto won ‘Best Sativa’ even though it is only 20% sativa. I emailed them and asked how this could be and they responded saying that the grower had harvested early so it had more sativa effects.

      IMO, this is a heavy Indica strain, and harvesting early does not change the genetics, so it was not properly awarded when it won best sativa. I am not sure if there was a lack of competition in the sativa category or not but it seems like a REAL sativa should be the winner.

      Am I wrong? Again, not a swipe at Fast Buds, but I think this should be corrected during the next competition.

      frogslayer, lakeeriemonster and 5 others
      • Agree 1000%

        • In a perfect world it would be seed pack against same seed pack…

          • bnr

            sounds a bit weak sauce to me – but to be fair, what is the definition of “sativa”? everything about weed competitions is inherently subjective because no empirical standards exist. it should be taken with a grain of salt imo

            • Hannabis (edited)

              The standards thing would be nice to iron out, so there is some uniformity from one contest to the next. The seeds can’t be sold as Sativa heavy at 20%, that wouldn’t fly very far. I get the loose standards thing to a degree, it just seems to be conflicting when you are also selling a product.

            • Fast Buds marketing is major suspect. They’re breeding with autoflowers ruining the gene pool. I have nothing good to say about them.

              • @jmystro is agree accept they are only ruining their gene pool. I’ve never heard of anyone ever using any of their lines to breed anything else.

              • I think to enter into the category your strain had to include sativa lineage in its genetics. I think they just don’t have a minimum amount because of phenotypic expression. Like even though the genes are 80/20 indica/sativa you could pull a phenotype that only leans toward the sativa dominant mother. Maybe that’s why they allow the rule

                • sunny (edited)

                  Is it possible that their Pool is shallow? Ha, ha, ha, ha ha, ha ha, ha ha.

                  • Only people I ever hear talking good about Fast is the paid people lol might be some others to but with how I look at it is to much bad for me to put money their when I know better seed shops out their for autos or any seeds