• Cherry Paloma JR Toking cut. First time cloning, 2 out of 5 cuts rooted and now transplanted into larger containers after two weeks. Mother is on day 14 flower in second tent.

      ikelikeweed, kushcommander and 5 others
      • I’m super jealous lol, heard nothing but great things about that cut…

        • Nice, the more you clone the closer to 100 percent you’ll get. They look nice and healthy.

          • @Papa_Shaman closer to 100? I don’t understand.

            • @GuppyGirl he means 100% of clones rooting and surviving. 3 of 5 rooted, but I damaged one checking for roots and it wilted…only two made it to get transplanted into bigger pot.

              • @ikelikeweed oh! So, eventually you can make enough clones to make up the difference, I assume? We’re the original lot all from the same plant as well? I know more about genetics than I do about how to clone I’m afraid. 🤣 Filling in the gaps.

          • @GuppyGirl Not exactly. Eventually you get so good at cutting and setting clones that if you cut 5 you get 5. I still cut extra, cause ever so often I get one that just doesn’t want to root. Most likely something I did while in stupid mode.
