• Profile photo of Casadelwhacko

      Casadelwhacko posted an update

      6 weeks ago

      Yep… at it again. Flood tables RULE!

      My missus says i should build and sell these as kits. “You can call them How You Go To Prison Kits!” I told her “I cant help it if other folks disregard plant count laws, and no, you cannot go in the grow room right now, its lights out!” 🤘🏼🤣🤘🏼

      tjrez, GuppyGirl and 6 others
      • Right on 💪🏼

        • @BIG_EAUX Gorgeous rig man! Is that an Aglex light I spy?! I have their 800 in my 4×4 and love it for the $. I wish the extension cables to get the ballasts outside the tent weren’t $60 though. It’s been great for $350!!

          • @Casadelwhacko yes it is.

            They had the 1k on sale for $439 , I had an Amazon credit, plus I had a bunch of points built up .so I ended up paying less than $300 after tax. At that price point , I said fluff it , I’ll be a guinea pig. Had it over one 3×3 first run and we enjoyed style of growing so much we added a second table this run.

            It has a really strong flwr spectrum.

            I agree that the extensions pricing sucks , but in my case I have thousands wrapped up in this hobby, so what’s another $60 at this point 😂🤷🏼‍♂️

            • @BIG_EAUX I am loving this light. It’s my first thing over 400 watts and non quantum. It’s flowered awesome for what I’m doing. Same here in the investment situation, I just try to be cheap and have figured out ya can’t be, just patient. I’m squirreling away for another to fly over the tables in the new enclosure already. Spent the day framing the panda into the room with 2bys so it will hold some semblance of stability and can be exhausted effectively. Thanks for the pictures… inspiring! I’ve got clones poppin new growth and a large pile of one gallon panda bags I’m just dying to fill. This new small set up is either going in the 4×4 with an external reservoir and lit room “downstairs ” for slow growth complimentary crops or to a friends place. He’s got the bug too.

        • So how do you use this table? Is it different from say an aeroponic or hydroponic cloner?

          • @GuppyGirl 2 gallon pots filled with hydroton, plant with roit root plug. A pump in a 40 gallon rez floods the table every 3 hours for 15 minutes, takes about 15 minutes to drain out . Plants only get about 2.5 tall , but it’s 90% colas.

          • @GuppyGirl I’m using one gallon bags of straight coco and flip 10″ or so clones en masse for tops, quick. Same kind of watering schedule here too. My dual table reservoir is only 25 gallons but I run each tub on its own pump leap frogging on a timer so there’s plenty of love to go around in my tiny room. It’s a blast! Kinda gets on auto pilot once you dial in the environment and nail your strain. I experimented with one gallon fabric pots on a rack over a tub and drained to waste, but as Mystro pointed out to me, the tubes everywhere in numbers become chaos. I learned a shit ton from the process though. Lots of spillage, height and pressure issues… stressful but the results made me push harder (and spend too much $) but the flood is clean and easy in comparison.

          • bepennjier (edited)

            Interesting. Last night I went through your posts about your f&d system to see what kind and size of pots you are using. I run a bucket based f&d system. 3 buckets for a bloody plant count of 3… but I’m debating an upgrade and looking for cheap and easy options. It probably won’t be on the next run but the one after that. Next run will be focused on environment.
            I’ve seen some videos of that Hoochos guy. He uses all kinds of hydroponics for his greens and in his garden. He makes the kind of pots you use himself but -for whatever reason- I never considered them to be an option for a f&d: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tGj3cwLOCKQ
            I’m currently using the good old clay pebbles. They wouldn’t work on a table that only covers let’s say a third of the pot in water, they don’t have enough wicking power. Maybe I should go coco but I’m pretty confident that the pebbles saved my grow this summer. I’m in the attic and it was/is hot and I had huge bug issues despite insect netting everywhere. I think if I’ve had to deal with bugs that need soil to propagate as well they would have won.

            anyway, thanks for sharing
