• Profile photo of GuppyGirl

      GuppyGirl posted an update

      5 weeks ago (edited)

      R.I.P. to my first grow to make it to flower! I had 2 left. One turned male. And the other plant has Spider mites. I dipped clones in Lost Coast Plant Therapy and stuck them in my cloner. So I start over now with the clones. On the plus side, I have a male that I like (The bag seed plant), that I also made clones of. So I’ll get to play with that at least. Time of death: day 6 of week 2 of flower.

      But not all is lost. I’m going to let the two hacked-up plants make seeds. F#$% it, why not? At least I’ll get seeds out of whatever is left.

      Clone totals:

      3 males, will keep 1.

      9 females, will keep 6 if that many make it.

      Additionally, I’ve had 2 seedlings of Dark Phoenix that just haven’t been doing well. I took them out of the soil and put them in the cloner, hoping to get them ready as potential options for harvest or seed experiments.

      This is not failure. You only fail if you give up. I took 9 clones from the female and 3 from the male. I’m going to keep 1 male for pollen, because I can, right? LOL and I took 9 female clones, will keep 6 for my next crop, and 3 I’ll grow as backups in case something happens again. And if nothing happens, those 3 or however many are left will all get the pollen and make seeds too. I’ll call it, “I FORCED THIS SHIT TO GROW, DAMNIT!” and release it as my first free seedpack. LOL

      1 Comment
      • Someone’s always gotta ruin the party by pulling out their pecker!
