dude posted an update
This is what I grow in. What about you?
bearmetal, hippiegranny and 20 others-
@c-crawford I hand water daily. Good rule of thumb is water until slight run-off, then take note of how heavy the pot feels at that particular time to reference how light it is a few days later when ya feed again.
@SurferDad_grows_aka_CannaDad Nice! Haha..when ya been doing it a long time you don’t have to check anymore. That was just my advice for new Promix growers. I don’t bust out the scales unless I’m cloning in rockwool… 40g per cube is the magic sauce haha.
Just finished my outside grow and now I’m moving my operation inside for the winter and I’m looking into Scotty’s buckets and it’s sounding real good along with the grow dots. Hey everyone, it’s bandit’sbud from Grandpa’s grow. Just joining up to the forum. Looking forward to all the education I can give and receive. Happy growing to everyone and thanks for having me in your forum.
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I have been growing weed since the 1977 Colombian gold and red Bud days but I want to learn anything I can to help my grow. I love to go weed, I never get tired of seeing new buds 😁🤪😎
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Air cube ebb and flow bucket system with mother earth hydroton. Insulated resevoir, water chiller , ph auto doser , auto fresh water top off system , alita air pump. General hydroponics for nutrients.Automated grow room with a/c. I’ve been growing for 3 years now and learning a lot about cannabis and I love it! It’s my alcohol free remedy.
surfdad_grows (edited)
Mother Earth groundswell , GH 3 part( w/ additives ) in 5 & 7gal pots. I have my canna and Dots now for the next round just trying to pick a strain while 2 plants are finishing in flower. Indica is my go to, sativa makes me lazy and eat. Looking for an easy grower for the Dots.
Currently using a mix 70% coco, 20% perlite and 10% sifted soil. I buffered the coco, and then added biochar and worm castings to the mix. Using GH nutes
I took 12 bags of Miracle-Gro organic soil. Added six bags of black cow manure. Four cups of bat guano two cups of Epsom salt. Some compost that I made from banana peels apple pills and stuff like that. I let that Brew for half a year in a pile then I used it came out okay
5 plants in water (DWC w/GH3)…4 plants in coco in Real Buckets w/Growdots…all in grow tents in my basement
hippiegranny (edited)
I will harvest my first grow ever in the next couple of weeks. I have just ordered my first order of Crow dots and recharge. Looking forward to my Next grow, hoping the grow dots and recharge. Will work as well as you say it does. I’m sure it will