Beautiful looking flowers!
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You actually growing these or rotating stock photos from your website?
@frogslayer I have one currently in flower but this is a older photo as it shows her colors best
@ebb_and_flow_seed_co Thanks for making me look closer at the picture I can see it’s new pistils coming out when I zoom in on it! Sorry for the confusion!
@frogslayer Yo! I actually told Ebb & Flo to post Dank Nugs on here. They are supporting the show by being listed on dudegrows.com/pros The genetics seem legit!
@Dude I know this is your job and stuff, I’m just worried about sponsors ruining this site. The community here is cool and mystro and probably others are working hard to keep it cool. Sponsors having sway over content is what took rollitup.org to the bad place it’s in today. It would be really sad to see that repeated here.
I believe as the Breeder you have to grow all these out along with testers. How long does that process take before a strain goes from tester to for sale?
@Dude testing takes 8 months to a year for us . This strain is nearly sold out and not one Hermie reported.