• Profile photo of silentbill

      silentbill posted an update

      4 days ago

      I felt that I was posting too much so I took a few days off. I’m just too excited for my first real grow. Day 12 since sprout.

      enchantedgrowculture, ohigrow and 4 others
      • Growing is so exciting! Watch that your seedling doesn’t stretch until it flops, you can add a little medium to support her. Maybe water a little just near the plant while it’s so small so your medium can dry out some between watering, encouraging root stretch.

        • @undefined it’s in a real bucket so I don’t water it. I did spray the first week to add humidity and wet the top a smidge. i can definitely add some dry coco on top though. I have some extra shredded up still. how high should I go? another inch?

          • @undefined put about 4 cups more coco mix on top. still have some with the dots made I didn’t use.

          • There’s no such thing as posting too much @silentbill

            • Looking Good 👍

              • Awesome, just keep an eye and add it if needed but yea about an inch but not higher than the first sprout leaf because bellow that acts like a water resistant sleeve where above that it can cause rot. It’s a fine line with light intensity with seedlings, too close they burn and too far they stretch and possibly pinch themselves when they fall over. Do you have a little air movement on her so she barely dances so she builds stem strength? Hopefully this is helpful

                • @Satori yeah I have a fan on one setting at all time. I have had the light higher than I should have I think. what should the light be for seedling and germ. I heard like 16 inches and and then 2 feet so idk. I have a small tent if I should have it like 6-8″ low intensity I’d like to keep in smaller until I can get the hang of it more.

                • Those are good parameters for light distance but lights vary so much nowadays and with the dimmers you have more options. I try and listen to my plants and let them tell me what they like. I got some seeds that love more intensity from the start and some who stress even with the light backed off.

                  • @Satori I ended up raising the lights and tested pH. pH was a bit higher than I planned, must be new equipment fluctuating what I actually had put in. was about 7.2 from the res. I made a new batch of res water and put cal mag and recharge in. I thought it was a bit early, but it just seemed small looking at others. so I emptied the res a bit, added 3 gallons of water with the nutrients at a pH of 5. 3 and cupped out a bunch of water in the bucket with my plant so it would start to drip the new res water into the system little by little. not even 12 hours later now the top leaf doubled in size almost to the same size as the initial set under it. I think between light being too close and the higher pH it was stunting. first 2 picture are yesterday noon after new water was put in and the last is now from my camera. hard to see exactly but easily can tell the top foliage is much bigger.

                    • @silentbill I watched a video on the real bucket as I have never used it. Cool system. Is that a two pot system? Keep in mind as your nutrients sit they will raise in pH over time. Starting low at 5.3 like you did can compensate for the raise keeping you more in range over the days before reservoir changes. Does the reservoir use an air stone? I have seen a lot of auto water systems that you don’t use air or pumps but I personally don’t understand how you keep the water from going stagnant after a few days without air stones. Unrelated questions, How big is your tent and is that a dehumidifier, humidifier or air conditioner in the tent? Are you venting the air out the tent at all.

                      • @Satori I will get back to you when I can. I’m a night shifter so I’m usually active early am when I get home. no air stone, dehumidifier but not on. 2×2 tent from a few years back and it’s a 3bucket system. 2 grow buckets and a res bucket. I only use one due to small tent. if I succeed this harvest I’ll get a 4 wide 2 deep 5 high tent next to get both buckets in use. water drains from res bucket down which as water is used will feed through lines to the plant bucket and sip up to the roots. I use a whisk to stir in the res bucket top but I’m still very new also to it. it’s a wicking style feed like auto pots. some differences though. and I have a vent fan up top that pulls air out and the bottom flap open to let air in. the last picture has my other bucket in that I filled with water to just add humidity for seedling germ stage but shows how little space I have and yet fit it all in lol. took time for sure to work out.