• What causes the top leaves to droop like the plant needs water? I know the bottom leaves droop first when they do need water. I can’t send photos of my tomatoes, they would blow your mind. I’ve been growing them for years and this happens from time to time. I usually water them and the inevitable happens. They get waterlogged and either die or usually come back for me. I have even unpotted them and rinsed the roots and re pot, if it’s a variety I really want to keep. 😂

      • How is your lighting? Depending on what stage your tomatoes are in maybe check your Dli.

        • They are about 2 weeks from poking through the soil. Lights are fluorescent old school 6 lighter 400 watt. They aren’t all wilting though. It’s kinda hit and miss. I’m using low dose honey chrome for seedlings, recharge and tap water. ph around 6.5. I use testing solution and not pen to check ph.

          • Also, I do have low humidity, under 50% I have a humidifier ordered from Infinity.