freedizzgrows posted an update
Very sorry for the poor video quality, it’s the best I could get. I have a fungus gnat problem and who knows whatever else (insects). This is the first time I’ve had to deal with any issues. Previous grows went very smooth. So any of you loving soil and insect experts know what’s going on here. I use BAS 3.0 amended with craft blend and Gia green. I recently used mosquito bits watered in to fight the fungus gnat larvae.
Was that a baby stink bug? Brotha eew!
Id nuke it with something. I’m sry. Gotta find how they got in once you get everything under control.
Lost Coast Plant Therapy
I like predator bugs. Lady’s and mantis’s are fun and cool. Closted setup or room and your good
ROOT APHIDS I’m going to use PyGanic to treat and kill