I needed to go away for a bunch of days and decided to get some AC infinity wicking pots to keep them watered and fed while I was away. My question is Are these too wet for everyday use. the sides of the fabric pots always seem wet and even have a little green growing on the sides.
Nope I don’t do any top watering, just fill the pots every 3-4 days
I have used them for years and love them. I do top water when I give them recharge once a week.
@jbong OH I love they way they worked in my last grow but I just used them at the end..last 2-3 weeks
How long is a couple days?
You could simply just dim your lights and lower your room temperature till you get back. The experience of will be more valuable for you as grower than paying the gear acquisition tax.
@ElectricWord 5-10 days at a time I do have someone that comes and fills them back up after 3-4 days
That’s the problem with fabric pots in general. They stay wet and algae will grow on any part exposed to light. Algae is only annoying at least.