puravidafarms posted an update
3 months ago (edited)
I used Lost Coast Plant therapy on my clones in a cloner/clone aero sprayer.. love lost Coast Plant Therapy by the way. I thought I saw some PM on them and went to town spraying the ladies. I went a little overboard and got some in the water pump tank thru the pump cord hole( that’s also the name of my new band..lol) and needless to say it the pump turned it all into massive amounts of foam. I noticed I didn’t hear the normal sounds of the pump spraying the plants. And when I checked, it looked like I had poured laundry detergent in there. Lol I emptied the water changed the tank reservoir. Plants did just fine but just figured I’d give you a heads up if you are using lost Coast plant therapy don’t get any in the tank of your cloner. 🤙