• Profile photo of doon

      doon posted an update

      3 months ago

      Hey everyone quick question I grew some plants and they hermed a little on me. I have a few seeds from both plants. Would those seeds be feminized? Sorry still learning as I go haha thanks for the advice and happy growing.

      • The answer isn’t as simple as that I’m afraid. The real question is, what caused it to herm?

        If it was stress of somesort, and this was just the plant responding to that stress by seeding, then yes, you have fems.

        But, if instead the plant was expressing intersex traits, then while you could in theory try to breed it out, I would just have fun with it. You can keep it and grow it, just don’t give the seeds to anyone.

        The big problem is, how to know which. I am still way too new at this myself. I would keep them, but keep a close eye on them when you grow them. But as @jmystro says, “It’s a weed. That’s what they do.”

        • Seeds from an intersex plant will be feminized. Only male pollen can produce male seeds.

          • Thanks everyone. Yeah no males all inside grow. Sealed rooms I am almost positive it was stresd because I was trying low stress and and well turned into high stress haha

            • I would probably burn them. If LST really caused that reaction I would be looking at new genetics.

              • @mrnabisco well what was supposed to lst turned into high stress when a couple of branches cracked. Got my seeds from growers choice never had a problem till two of these plants but could be my fault to trying different things ha ha

              • I have some like that that grow fire if I let it go natural, but any training and it will stress and hermie.
