Hey I just had a brain wave that I wanted to share. I know @scottyreal @bnr @jmystro have used “Real Buckets”.? I asked a question a week or so ago about cloning. My answer is the bubble cloner. But as I just took a toke and looked at my (SIP containers). I thought, hmmm why doesn’t Scotty make a real bucket with oxygenated water using a (air) stone at the bottom of the bucket with a little tubing to a pump. How much would they oxygenated water help a sip container with dense medium. But I hypothesize massive roots for massive fruits.
no-nanners and surfdad_grows-
Don’t know about a cloner but I do put H2O circulators in my real growers reservoir NOT an air stone.
@no-nanners how does it work for you?
@undefined I didn’t like the air stone, it would build up a slime overtime, but the circulator has been great. I just cut a little strip off the side of the rez bucket for the power cord to the h2o circulator. All I wanted was to stir the water. I also did that because I’m going to try and run the canna nute line straight into the rez. I love grow dots, but I miss spending some time with the plants lol… they almost make it too easy.
@no-nanners okay, okay, okay! That where my thought was going. But I like the size bubbles the stones give would give you (hypothetically I haven’t tried it yet.?!). But I do love the peroxide tip as well. I wonder if combined it would also keep the stone cleaner longer.?
Air pump/stones are dependent on air quality. Never pump hot grow room air into your reservoir. Especially when supplementing CO2. Cool, low CO2 air is ok. 2-3 tsp per gallon of 3% hydrogen peroxide will increase dissolved oxygen (O2) in your reservoir water. That’s what I’d recommend.