• Profile photo of gavin

      gavin posted an update

      2 months ago

      I have been thinking about ways to grow more weed and cutting back on the electric bill, so this is the plan, I have a perpetual setup in a 2.2m x 1.7m shed (overall size, inside the shed).

      I have a small cabinet in my bedroom with a few light bulbs(great for clones and vegging plants for the first week or 2), next I am going to build a veg cabinet, 41cm x 41cm x 90cm high, (tops going to be a table) 4 plants in 7 ltr pots, only veg them for 4 weeks( 5 if you include the week in the clone cabinet).

      next I want to build 2 flower rooms, first ones 90cm x 90cm and the second ones 120cm x 130cm
      the smaller flower rooms lights on 7am until 7pm and the larger ones on 7pm until 7am
      I will move plants into the small flower room, pot up from 7ltr into the 24 ltr pot and flower same day

      4 weeks later they go into the larger flower room, it will change the light cycle, mid flower but I don’t think it will effect the plants, the big advantage is mixing the air between the 2 flower rooms means I don’t need a heater, the temperature will drop in each room when the light go off but it may only drop 5-10c.
      if I open the canopy up before they go into the larger room, they should fill all the space and the extra space should reduce the humidity in the canopy etc
      I could be pulling a crop every 4 weeks which sounds amazing

      just wondering what all you fine growers think.

      • Check what time your off peak ours are at your electrical supplier. I made thqt change and it saves me alot of money. And in the winter time it helps even more because my space heats uo and I dont need a heater and in the summer time its cooler at night so not as MUCH A.C Dehumidifaction

        • That sounds great, Thanks I will look into this, tried a few years ago and the electrical supplier I contacted did not support off peak rates, maybe I will have more luck this time, in general my humidity never goes below 40% and above 60% but I often control the humidity with temperature and extraction fan speed, adjust it as the humidity increase or decreases from about 50%

          Talking about summer and winter, when you have one large flower room(800w led) on 7pm to 7 am and a 500w heater on 7am to 7pm(8 months of the year, extractor fan on 80%) or 500w led(7pm to 7am) and a 300w led (7am to 7pm) with the extractor fan on 50%- 60%, its going to be easy to keep the temps the same, day and night and cut back 50% of the electric, noise etc, hottest part of the year I will just use one of the flower rooms