• Profile photo of wrath420

      wrath420 posted an update

      2 months ago

      What PPM or EC are you bottle nutrient Growers running in flowering im on day 2 of the fifth week at 1.7 EC and 850 PPM

      • I run living soil in auto pots. But I like to super charge the water just a tiny bit from time to time with .3-.5 EC nutrients

        • @freedizzgrows I do the same thing with my TLO soil grow also lol salts have such a minimal effect on the microbes 🦠 that it doesn’t hurt the soil to apply some nutrients in readily available liquid chelated form from time to time and my plants love it!

        • BePennjier (edited)

          depends on a couple of things: your nutrients, your strain(s) and within a certain margin you can train them to be ok with more or less. currently mine start complaining around 1.3 EC so I keep it around 1.1 – 1.2 EC

          Edit: I grow hydro (flood and drain) not in soil or coco so my numbers might not be helpful to you at all

          • @bepennjier I’ve been Growing since 1999 and I do all styles of growing from hydro to super soil and everything in between with supplemental Co2 with LED and HPS lights depending on what I feel like doing so I’m just curious as to what others are running I’m currently using Happy Frog Soil because the shop I get soil from was out of Pro-Mix sometimes I do organic super soil depending on what cultivar i’m growing!

            • @wrath420 😅 in this case ignore the first part and only take my numbers. I read this as a newbee question a la “I’m on day 2 what should I do?”. Only when you linked me I read your name and realised “I’ve seen you here before, you are not new to this”. But because I thought it was a newbee question I came back and did the edit. Not for a sec did it occur to me that I should’ve deleted the general stuff and only put my numbers in

              • @bepennjier It’s all good Growmie I was just wondering what others were feeding! I know I run a little on the high side but if not I’ll definitely get some deficiencies in my environment with the extra Co2 and high ppfd lights blasting my lady’s I’m hitting 1172 ppfd max in the center of my canopy with 800+ in my corners by the end of week 4 going into week 5 with a 10+ week flowering cultivar!

          • I feed an EC ramp from .9 and gradually increase to 1.3 until week 5…then I switch to bloom solution and ramp back down to .9 EC…

            Promix in #7 pots….

            • wrath420 (edited)

              @Hash Right on man I’m a pro-Mix user and I flower in 5 gallon squat pots in my 3×3 tent and in my 2×3 tent i use anywhere from two 3 to 6 gallon pots or one 15-20 gallon pot with a super true living organics soil from the Revs true living organics book!
