rnjohnson214 posted an update
5 weeks ago (edited)
Im about to germinate and plant my first seeds. I know if I germinate in paper towels its best to be dark. But when do I introduce light? And if i just plant the seed directly in a media without germinating, do i use light or wait?
You want light as soon as it breaks through the top soil otherwise it can stretch out and fall over searching. You don’t want light on the paper towel as that can cause mold. Don’t overthink it too much. And btw if and when you plant in the media be sure it’s not very deep. Just a half inch or so.
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My personal method is to let sit in a cup of water floating on top overnight, then I move to a ziplock sitting on top of a single paper towel not folded over at all in a drawer in the dark. Then as soon as I have a little taproot I put into a solo cup of loosely packed soil. Or if it’s an autoflower I put direct into a larger pot. I also cover with a clear solo cup to keep the humidity high for the first 7-10 days.
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no light when put in the soil. Light on as soon as it breaks soil. Got it thank you
Only reason to have a light on soil when germinating is if you need the warmth. Otherwise wait til you see green.
@StandingFox thank you I have been searching this on you tube for days.
If you use a paper towel to germinate seeds, prop the paper towel up vertical so the tap root forms straight down between the fold. Don’t lay it on a flat surface or the tap root will form wonky.
@jmystro I discovered this by happy accident! Sat my container on top of my light and hit my head on the way out of the tent. The next evening when I checked on it, it was sitting at a 45° angle and the tap had grown down rather than all squiggly. I made a little stand to so I can line up a couple of Chinese delivery containers on it and there’s a heat mat sandwiched between two layers of “table”. I clone more than anything now but this has made germination a lot less worrisome.