The best pot for my pot? I’m thinking of down sizing my pots to 3gal units. Run more slightly smaller models. 3 weeks in veg then before moving to flower. I’ve been running 7gal ones. Idk they are a pain in the ass to deal with anymore and I’m thinking they are kinda over kill for the time I’m using them. What’s gonna be the most efficient between the two given this scenario? Generally by finishing time the 7 gal pots are not root bound but mostly full of roots.
1 gallon per month the plant will be in the pot is pretty standard before going rootbound. 3 gallons is enough space for 1 month veg and 2 months of flower. That being said. More root space will almost always be better for plant structure. Do a side by side with 2 identical clones and you’ll notice the 7 gallon plant will have thicker stems and branching compared to the 3 gallon plant over the same amount of time. you’ll see the difference before the end of veg.
@jmystro Makes sense thanks!
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@jmystro damn man you hit it spot on. I’m in the tent looking at the girls. I have some in 5 gal pots and some in 7 gal. Everyone of the 7 gal pots stems are a third again larger. Thanks for the information. I hadn’t noticed this before.
@marizema I remember telling Scotty years ago about the first thing I look at when I walk into my grow. It’s not the leaves. It’s the girth of the stems. Yield is directly related to the plant’s internal plumbing.
@jmystro I may be hijacking the thread but this brings up something close to the situation I find myself in. I have been using a variety of different pot sizes from 3 to 7 gals. I have been ending up with way too much product for my use case. I want to transition to first grows being in one gals and then if it hits for me, grow out a clone or 2 in 3 gals or higher. I was curious if I was going to see enough expression in a 1 gal to pick a keeper based on struction and plant growth. The 1 gal idea is to also let me set up a perpetual grow in my 4×4 where I can start a few more seeds ever 4 to 6 weeks and still have room to throw a clone or 2 in for those that hit. (I have a separate veg tent.) Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
@bigmacr66 You can test small plants to see what kind of trichome profile it has before scaling up.