Silver Bell’s Palsy 😂 it’s chrimis time in the shitty
@Marizema Ask me why I’m still crying over here, comedy genius! LOL
Bells Palsy sucks. I was afflicted about 9 years ago. Super scary stuff. They told me no rhyme or reason. Probably stress triggered. Nonetheless it’s a good meme.
@senorvertoyayubi Indeed. I’m sorry you’ve had to go through that man! I have a family member who is coping with it and, holy crap I didn’t even see that at first. Wisdom from perspective. Thank you.
I have four young people in my orbit that all have had major strokes within the last couple of years and the only common thing is they were all fully vaccinated up and were crazy militant and hateful to everyone around them, irrespective of their being and liberty. No politics, they’re all over the place there, a wee bit of conspiracy, of course, but we’re still close and they and some family members all are starting to make the same connection. that kind of shits way above my pay grade. I play with wood and plants. I hate big pharma and will never miss an opportunity to take a jab back at them. One of four things I think the planet should collectively end. Cancer is another. Kind of an oxymoron in my opinion.
The last few years scared the bejesus out of my old worn out ass. I stopped using all pharmaceuticals coming up on a couple of years ago now. Everything. Diabetes meds, neurological ‘buffers’, flushots… all the way to pain management meds, after decades of pain from surgeries and defects. I was in a major auto accident at 12, and have a club foot that looks like a lobster claw!🤣 I used to hobble around and call myself Quasimodo… 6’7″ and 340+ lbs of hilarity. 🤨
Eating the average American diet and being essentially chemically immobilized for a few decades, I developed Type II and spiraled into absolute chaos with my body. I lost feeling in my hands and couldn’t work as a musician and couldn’t lift any or stand up for long either, so I sat at a desk or in a car doing sales and fell victim to my own lack of self control and pharmaceuticals.
I’ve lost well over 100 pounds, my bloodwork is “astonishing” according to the guys I used to pay to write poison scripts for me, and I can hold a pen, type and even play my instruments again. I’m down to 220 depending what part of the week it is and I’m 6’5″ now from bone loss and surgeries. I’ll take it. Fuck Big Pharma. I’ll take my chances!🤣🤣🤣
I have my days. I still have the immune system of a glass of water and there’s times I start thinking about learning to make RSO or do dabs because the bones just ain’t there anymore and they took the nerves but the brain don’t get it yet.🤣. I don’t eat anything from a box, cardboard or store. I believe I’m better for it too. I eat to sustain my body, not for entertainment. I use self depreciation and growing for that now!🤣🤣🤘🏼