• About to start my second run ever. I have 2 seedlings coming up. I use coast of maine living soil. Thinking of doing one organic and one with grow dots. Lot of extra work, but if it would be interesting to people I might give it a go. What do yall think?

      wrath420, retro and 4 others
      • Doing something similar run dots/stash blend in coco on one another with recharge instead of stash, Gh trio in coco for another and last one in foxfarm oc/hf with ghost trio. Stella trying to find her groove. Lol

        • Always fun to see grow comparisons. Whether it be training comparisons, Cultivar comparisons, environment comparisons.

          • Seedlings are not identical clones so there is no comparing the two in two different methods. Only identical clones can be grown in different environments to get any data.

            • @jmystro While I get the whole phenotype spread and such. How else is someone supposed to do any testing on autos then? Surely controlling as many variables as you can and checking the end result has to *some* sort of use.

              This is one reason why I want to get into breeding and feminizing seeds too. Because surely an S1 is the closest that we’ve got in regards to a “same” auto right?

              • @zoomycat Seedlings are brothers and sisters. If your mom had 30 kids, how many would be the same? None. Seedlings come in all shapes and sizes and are unique individuals. Low vigor runts to weak seeds that immediately fall over and die to those that don’t even germinate, you’ll find them too.

                • @zoomycat you asked, “How else is someone supposed to do any testing on autos then?”

                  Well, one way to do it would be to first make the line in regs (bonus: you can offer both regs and autos this way) and then breed it to ruderalis yourself and stabilize it into autos.

                  • ZoomyCat (edited)

                    @guppygirl I get this but depending on environment this just might not be possible. I’m still trying to get a photo setup and started on autos. Plan on getting reg auto seeds and getting a male that way. Hoping to skip having to get a ruderalis at all but I’ll probably need one later to strengthen the auto genes at some point.

                    That being said pulling in some Photo genetics might be desireable later on. I’ve got lots of time to figure it all out 😀

                    • Speaking of breeding, I have a friend who is absolutely WILD about autos who I think would make a good tester for you.

                  • @jmystro wouldn’t the same strain seeds still have similar growing characteristics?

                      • @jubang-lulu One problem with this is that lots of breeders release F1s, and you can see a lot of variability in those. This really complicates testing in plants you can’t clone. I also don’t understand how auto breeders do any kind of line breeding without being able to clone a plant properly. I’ve had some tell me that while cutting a clone off an auto is going to be useless for preserving the genetic, it can be used to clone a plant to allow you to reverse the clone and pollinate the main plant. This would at least give you some S1’s to play with. But even then, similar growing characteristics are very unlikely.

                      • @jmystro not for the experiment your talking about.

                        Just clone asap to sex and then run your test with same plant.

                        Good luck

                        Happy grow bro
