• Profile photo of ZoomyCat

      ZoomyCat posted an update

      2 weeks ago

      Watered the closet. Bottom watered both seedlings to soil saturation so I could deploy that nematode package. The medium seemed to be going hydrophobic so it was needed.

      I angle drained both seedling so they are not over saturated.

      • What are those little seedling lights? I like the style!

        • @SmokalottaPOTamus I started trying to grow with them. They are lights from Aerogarden Sprout units. I just unplugged the reservoir pump and stuck the reservoir in a drawer. Aerogarden went out of business and I figured I could just stick a small pot on there if I needed and still use the lights.

          I did not want to sacrifice the PPFD on the Flowering plant to get the PPFD to the seedlings. I wanted to make sure the seedlings were still getting good top lighting in conjunction with the side lighting. The Aerogarden lights are stuck on a 15/9 Schedule so they are actually getting a pretty cool setup where the closet lights will turn on at 6 and the AGS lights will turn on at 9.

          The small lights turn off 15 minutes before the main lights do.

          • @zoomycat that’s awesome! If I can ever get a setup running, I’m definitely going to look into something like that. I’d love to have a propagation tent/dome area to compliment my main grow.