• Profile photo of ZoomyCat

      ZoomyCat posted an update

      a week ago

      The 24 hour UVA big zapper seems to be doing well for the plants even with it being on for 24 hours a day. My theory is that they are dim enough that it’s similar to moonlight.

      surfdad_grows, bnr and 3 others
      • This is after 2 nights of UVA on. The area * feels* cleaner. I can’t describe it. Like lots of the pests that would be there are just *gone*, I have seen boxelder beetles but not in the closet. They are outside the closet and not near the plants anymore.

        • I tried the same thing with a rechargeable one . that would run about 6HRs

          • @retro These are IP5 rated not IP6. I did not think I’d be spraying water on the units. Both are water resistant.

          • Bug zapper

              • Mine was before i added humidity for winter