scottyreal posted an update
Let’s geek out on pH!
pastor_chris, Smokalottapotamus and 5 others-
Haven’t done ph in a couple years. Lol @scottyreal organics and dry amendments. I run well water and Haven’t had a problem yet. At least nothing that can’t be fixed in short order. (Cough cough recharge) lol thanks brother looking forward to this years cup.
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*rolls up sleves to geek out*
a thing that annoys me a bit: in english people say pH stands for ‘potential of hydrogen’. actually it’s for the latin ‘potentium hydrogenium’ but that translates to ‘potential of hydrogen’ in english so it’s ‘not wrong’. (despite my bad english I’m a bit of a language guy: I had to do latin and g(r)eek at uni and I highly recommend it, makes understanding science and english way easier)
what never fails to suprise me when I think about it: pH is defined as the negative decadic logarithm of the concentration of ‘hydrogen-ions’ or pH=-log10(cH+) …now, what this means is…well it means it’s logarithmic😅 every step on the pH scale is a step by the factor of 10 for the concentration of hydrogen. a solution with pH=4 is 10times more acidic than a solution with pH=5 and 100 times more acidic than pH=6 🤯 (I did a year of chemstry before switching to the latin and greek thing😉)