I guess this place has become a meme site. Do y’all even grow? 😕
Hash, toohighdrew and 7 others-
Yeah, I finally unsubscribed from the meme channel/forum because it was a bit much for me.
@guppygirl Thanks for the info, didn’t realize I can unsub from forums. LOL
Waiting process unfortunately and no clones to boost the process faster (just yet). Not everyone has perpetual gardens.
I was wondering how long it would take for someone to say something.
I said this a few weeks ago on a post (as long as it doesn’t interfere with the main feed I would continue). No body spoke up and said anything negative.
@surfdad_grows We had original meme creators in years past that would make a few a week and were funny. Posting 20 a day of other peoples work is kinda meh.
@surfdad_grows Don’t feel too bad. My skin is not translucent. Very thick. lol
I’m just bustin’ balls.
@jmystro You’re good bud. I don’t feel bad, I was going to post up regardless haha.
I definitely understand, and not all of mine are stolen, I’m deleting out of my stash so that’s what’s getting thrown up. I just haven’t taken the time with everything else going on to care enough to make more at the moment. 🤙1
At least there is new content to see when I open it up. Better then the normal ghost town vibe this place has normally.
Yeah, they not always that funny and seems to be a little Friendly competition going on, but please explain how this is but anything bringing some joy and a smile to folks faces. Even if your just rolling your eyes.
It’s still harmless humor.
You guys sure you still smoke pot? Lighten up, there is enough negative shit going on.1-
@oldestschool It was a joke bro. New content is not the same as original content. Be original.
My bad mate
I’m still new at this social thing and sometimes it get so hard trying to stay positive and up beat and these texts are so hard to interpret feeling and/or intentions for my oldass.
My bad
Still too high from last night’s edible
@oldestschool Everything I say is so serious that when I bust balls it get’s taken too seriously. That’s probably my own fault. derp.
@jmystro its a battle reading humor in a message to begin with, without a sense of a haha or lol(unfortunately) but that’s the digital age now. Emotion is removed from context so it can be misconstrued as Karen behavior 🤣