• Profile photo of ZoomyCat

      ZoomyCat posted an update

      2 days ago

      My landlord said they were going to show up and did not today. I talked with the person she had planned to join her in the inspection. He seems like a decent person and wants to get to where she is fulfilling her duties and I’m not living under a slum lord. He thinks the things I’ve requested in the past are valid.

      I told him there was a no growing clause and that I have been growing since she is not fulfilling her duties. But that I have medical and I’m just trying to make life more stable and affordable. That I was always willing to pay any associated costs that came with me growing. Even with the utilities included clause. I attempted to pay the AC costs and that was what caused all of the issues to begin with was me being up front, honest and attempting to pay for my usage to keep my Cat and I alive.

      He understands I’m growing medicine, Nothing more.

      He doesn’t seem to believe I deserve to be thrown on the street and is going to advocate for my situation after speaking with me.

      Sasquatch, BePennjier and 4 others