• Hello growers so I’m having snails I think and mybe caterpillars in my grow area mybe Beatles and other colorful bugs I’ve never seen before is there a ipm for veg cycle ? Would Diatomaceous Earth help or should I do dish soap and water ?

      • I’m personally not using anything, but it seems like lost coast is loved amongst the people who try it.

        • @josh yeah I’m waiting on Amazon for some reason I ordered it last week and still haven’t got it there saying there running late

        • Grab some em5 from build a soil !! You won’t be disappointed

          • I know a lot of people talk shit about neem oil but I found the perfect mix for any bug…snail, slug, beetle, gnats,etc. Mix 1 tablespoon neem oil, 1 teaspoon molasses, and just one or two drops of Dawn dish soap and mix in one gallon of water. Spray your leaves completely underneath and on top soak the plant until it’s dripping, shake your eye I even spray a little bit of my soil for mulch with the leftover but try not to get too much into the root system I don’t think it’ll hurt it but it’s not something roots can take up. Spray your plants about once a week or even every other week but never ever in direct sunlight I usually wait till the sun’s almost completely set where my lights just go off in my tent

            • Are you growing indoors? In a tent?

              • Dr.Zymes does wonders. Also you might want to look into neem oil before your flip, its a little smelly but it works wonders!