• This is Frodo Waggins. Rescue hound that passed last night. He had horrible PTSD we took him in December 2019. Local shelter couldn’t tell us anything because of police actions against the backyard breeder. He Spent a month tied to my wife in the living room and learning about love and living indoors. He was missing teeth broken intentionally? Gnawed on a cage? Bad back hips he swayed and sashayed as he ran off the porch to pee and rush back inside. After the pandemic hit he 1000% bonded with my wife Mrs Ogre as his emotional support human. It took over a year before I (being male) could touch him without him flinching. He could do little but bark and stress when he wasn’t in his safe space- upstairs in bed with MrsOgre. Those EXACT conditions. Poor soul knew love in life I’m glad he’s finally found peace. Love you buddy.

      illisa7296yahoo-com, Newleaf and 15 others