• 48 Hours of Darkness. Is it Bro science?

      As I come close to the end of flower I was wondering how many DGC growers practice the dark cycle at the end of flower. Does it help? Is it worth doing? How many days to do it for?

      I’ve never done it myself but am curious if it works and should I give it a try? After spending hours researching I’m still confused some say it’s the best way and others say it’s a waste of time. So I thought I’d ask you all for your opinion.

      nateorganic, tjrez and budwinjones
      • Ignorant new growers do dumb shit because they only do what they’re told by stupid people and can’t think for themselves. Trichomes do not form and mature in 2 days. Harvest them in the dark and keep them in the dark.

        • @jmystro what about as a way to reduce chlorophyll? Kick start the curing process?

          • For the plant to ripen and senesce, the plant needs to produce ethylene. Ethylene inhibits chlorophyll production and leaf/stem growth allowing other pigments (carotenoids and flavonoids) to show. Ethylene’s produced naturally but can be increased by using a product like Winter Frost. As a plant is dying after harvest, chlorophyll is mainly broken down by microbes and is why we don’t want to dry the flower too fast. Microbes need moisture. We dry the flower and cure the trichome cuticles. Oxidation is what ‘cures’ hardens trichomes outer waxy membrane to protect the oils inside. This occurs as the flower is drying.

          • @jmystro Thanks J that is what I was looking for. Appreciate your help.

            At 62 I’m far from being a rookie myself but it is a lot of fun learning new chit about the plant I love. Just like the stuff with temps & humidity as soon as I had that dialed in then here comes the VPD chit lol. Always learning new stuff I’m not one of these Mr. Knowitalls but I’ve been doing this for a long as time but not afraid to go outside my wheelhouse if I’m curious about something that I’m not sure about.

          • It’s bro science there is no proof or anything proving that’s true. If anything 2 to 3 days hard light would be more beneficial.

            • I heard the same thing so I had to do some research into . I found this Bruce Bugbee guy whos a professor and he said It actually dont help to turn them off for 48hours and Then I found anouther study where someone .. may have been him was saying that 48 light on for last two days will increase the thc production by 3% . Heres the vid and at 11:35 he talks about it


              • You can’t increase anything that’s not already in it’s genetic potential. There’s nothing we can do to change the trichome’s profile over the course of a few days that isn’t going to happen anyway based mainly on factors like temperature. These processes occur naturally as the chemistry/enzymes convert molecules like CBG in to THC or CBD. I’m supposed to believe an extra few days of light or dark is going to make a difference? Harvest when the trichomes are at the stage of development you desire. Then they will have peak amounts of cannabinoids like CBG, THC, CBD or CBN. On the day you think is time to harvest check the trichome heads. If it needs two more days of light, wait. If it needed two days less of light to mature, harvest earlier next time. There are no doctorate degrees for cannabis. Dr titles mean fuck all to me when it comes to this plant or it’s biology. Now that cannabis is legal in many places here they come claiming experience they don’t have. They haven’t been growing this plant for 5 minutes, and it shows. I’ve been doing actual cannabis research for over 30 years and the only paperwork I have is from my multiple cultivation prosecutions.