• Holding onto the thin hope in another week she’ll bulk up but I think that’s about her. 517 legend- gas grill. When she was early in flower she had the most beautiful smell of blueberry lollies. That’s since faded somewhat but hopefully comes back post cure. Not sure wtf I was thinking putting this one in soil.

      pzwags420, tjrez and 5 others
      1 Comment
      • Looks like an autoflower.

        Here’s my take on it…

        I don’t think soil is the issue.

        The larger the pot, the larger the fruit.

        The 1-2G clones take off once they have enough soil.

        I’d harvest the top 2 buds, move the light closer, and let it go for a while, because it’s too small.

        Or just move it outside…

        Next time, cut the main stalk way earlier and use low stress training with Kyle Kushman’s Chiropractic Care for more even and plentiful bud sites.