down4thecrown posted an update
Has anyone else had this issue when trying to switch from the free account so you can cancel Patreon?
bnr, jmystro and gbryant1990-
Make sure you’re logged in to your account. You can’t sign up through the app. You’ll need to use a browser to access the website and do it from there.
$10 – https://realdgc.com/signup/dgc-producer/
$25 – https://realdgc.com/signup/dgc-associate-producer/
$50 – https://realdgc.com/signup/dgc-executive-producer/
You should be able to register using one of these pages once signed in.
I thought I logged in lol. Turns out I had to sign out of the app and clear my cache in the browser. then I logged in chrome it worked.
Thanks for letting us know. A few DGC have had this happen.
these links are old. please go here:
updated the links
you will need to check out on the web site to purchase a paid membership – the shop doesn’t work on the app.
on the app – go to the More menu and the Upgrade – it will open the upgrade page in your web browser and you can check out there
@jmystro @one-eyed-cat1