Advice needed! True Herm?

  • Advice needed! True Herm?

    Posted by fictitiousflower on October 5, 2024 at 1:45 pm

    Hello DGC community! I have had some strange things happen in my last grow and would like some feedback. I posted something similar on reddit in /Nightowl sub and was immediately met with hostility. No one really tried to answer my questions and just insulted me and im not sure if its due to my lack of experience or because declaring i may have a true herm looks bad on Nightowl. I made very clear that what happened was probably a stress induced herm but they all insisted there was no herm. I’ll attempt to condense this and thanks to anyone who reads this!

    my first plant was a nightowl – grape deebo. I accidentally triggered it into flower early so it was small but as soon as it went into flower it made my room smell of candy. It was some of the best bud ive ever had and i got about 2 ozs. It was in a 5 gallon in FF ocean forest soil and i used minimal nutes.

    fast forward to my 3rd plant, another grape deebo. I did great at first, she was in a 5 gallon with coco and soil and i used FF nutes. She got huuuuge but after about the first week of flower i burned her baaaad. Around 60% of the fan leaves were completely dead. I bought new nutes, flushed and she turned around, somehow. Something interesting i noticed was no smell at all even before i burnt and stressed her. The leaves and buds were far more covered in heads than the first run. The buds didnt fill out well but i still got about a 1/2 lb of trim and 1/2 of bud. The flower is bizarre, no smell almost at all and it gets me uncomfortably high, and i smoke a lot. The rosin was green even with a 27u bag. Ive only had this happen with crappy old bud.

    i pulled the plant out to look at it and noticed on the underside and the side that was hidden were little green balls. They stuck out to me immediately. I harvested the plant immediately. I crushed one of the little sacs and there was a tiny yellow seed in it. I also found seeds in the buds. I dont know what it means to have a herm without anthers but from what i read it could be a true herm? Im pretty sure my other in flower was pollinated, the flowers on the same side as the could be herm all showed signs of pollination. I cut them all off but two more have appeared. Ill get a picture of it but all of the pistils were brown and shriveled on the tips only.

    sorry this is so long, my original question on reddit was is this a genotypic expression or a phenotypic expression from stress? Also what am i missing, why did reddit respond as they did? Thank you sooo much and please dont tell me to go fuck myself 😭

    jmystro replied 57 minutes ago 5 Members · 12 Replies
  • 12 Replies
  • no-nanners

    October 5, 2024 at 1:56 pm
    DGC Producer

    Attach some pics man…. If you have them.

    Haters gonna hate, growers are gonna have 💩 happen. The ones hating on you probably don’t grow or think they are Gods gift to growing when really they are just crappy humans. Hopefully you get the answers you are looking for.

    • fictitiousflower

      October 5, 2024 at 2:05 pm
      Free Membership

      Thanks for the kind words man! Illl post some now, i panicked so i have no good pics of the maybe pollen sacs, which is unfortunate but i have a few of it and of my current flower that i believe was pollinated.

  • fictitiousflower

    October 5, 2024 at 2:07 pm
    Free Membership
    • fictitiousflower

      October 5, 2024 at 2:09 pm
      Free Membership

      I dont have any pics of the sacs, i thought i did but the pic above is a seed. Really really unfortunate that i didnt take pics but if someone could tell me if those flowers look pollinated that would help me get an idea. Thanks!

      • no-nanners

        October 5, 2024 at 3:20 pm
        DGC Producer

        Yeah bud what you are holding isn’t a pollen sack, I get the same little baby bud balls sometimes where I take a branch off. I don’t see anything that looks herm. Do you have a hard time controlling heat? I wouldn’t worry about it though man. Just get your nutes in order…. Remember it is a plant the same as any other. Enjoy the grow and learn from the process.<div>Plants look good, just a little burn on the tips… it happens to everyone. Maybe just feed half strength. Try some grow dots your next grow… easy is what I go for 😂 </div>

        • fictitiousflower

          October 5, 2024 at 3:33 pm
          Free Membership

          Thanks man, i know that isnt a pollen sac now but is my other plant in flower pollinated based on my pic? If so than it would’ve have to of been a herm right? Maybe im wrong about it being pollinated but man it looks like it.

          • fictitiousflower

            October 5, 2024 at 3:35 pm
            Free Membership

            To be clear this is a Watermelon OG that is in about week 3-4 of flower, it was in its 1-2 week when i harvested the deebo.

          • jmystro

            October 5, 2024 at 3:44 pm
            AdministratorFree MembershipDGC Executive Producer

            Many new growers confuse pre-flower calyx (swollen and mature) as pollen sacs. This is bud, just not clustered like with flowers. This is what mature bud looks like. They go from tiny ovals into round false seed pods when mature.

  • GrowingDank

    October 5, 2024 at 2:08 pm
    Free Membership

    Hello sorry for your problem, to me sounds like stress induced but honestly can’t really get much outa the paragraph that would have to do with stress other then the over feeding. But it happens I’ve never had it to the point off hermaphrodite plants that’s why I’m a bit concerned. Its interesting how it only happened to one plant, maybe you had a possible light leak throughout flower. Thanks for sharing and PS you’ll have way more connections with ppl here then on reddit. I’ve been growing for about 5 years now. Love the hobby love the plant.

    • fictitiousflower

      October 5, 2024 at 2:11 pm
      Free Membership

      Thanks for the kind words! I was worried no one would respond! Its an autoflower so i don’t think a light leak but my humidity did hit 80% fora few days.

  • ohigrow

    October 5, 2024 at 2:59 pm
    Free Membership

    I’ve harvested like 35 autos so far this year without any herm issues. I would guess the over feeding triggered it? I know that doesn’t really answer the question but that’s not why I’m responding. Now, concerning the response on Reddit.. I have learned a lot growing autos. What sticks out the most is the negative view most people have. There is so much hate out there it’s hard to get help. The funny thing is most of the haters have never even grown an auto, they simply repeat and exaggerate things they’ve heard. I’m not saying there aren’t drawbacks to growing autos but they don’t deserve all the hate, and the people growing them definitely don’t…. I hope you have a better experience here. ✌️💚

    • fictitiousflower

      October 5, 2024 at 3:44 pm
      Free Membership

      35 autos this year! Thats incredible, i love them so far and cant wait to be able to grow outside legally so i can grow as many as possible! I am truly attempting to learn and appreciate your kindness ❤️

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