Bowl Trimmers

  • Bowl Trimmers

    Posted by ohigrow on October 4, 2024 at 2:38 am

    Awhile back I bought a large bowl trimmer at an auction for like $8. I didn’t know if I’d use it but couldn’t pass up the deal. Now after logging many hours trimming by hand I’m seriously considering it. What are your thoughts on using it? What’s your process? What are the pro’s and con’s?

    green-ogre-farms replied 21 hours, 40 minutes ago 8 Members · 13 Replies
  • 13 Replies
  • Shortlife

    October 4, 2024 at 3:34 am
    Free Membership

    I have only ever used mine to dry trim, so I can not coment on how the bowl trimmer handles wet material.

    They take a bit of trail and error to use right, it is not something easily explained, but you have to feel out the right amount of turns and the best speed to get the result you want. I also like to reversed direction with the half way through.

    You will definitely lose more material with the bowl trimming vs scissors, but in my opinion it is easily worth it for the huge reduction in work you need to put in, also they give a pretty decent finish to the flower.

    Also there is a huge reduction in the mess that gets created and after I have brushed all the Kief out of the bowl I just put the bowl trimmeri and all its parts in the dishwasher for cleaning.

    I can’t see myself not using a one again in future, it makes a job I hate a helle of a lot easier.

  • marizema

    October 4, 2024 at 3:56 am
    DGC Producer

    I’m sry not trying to be an ass, but why would you take so much time to grow quality smoke just to beat it to shit in a salad spinner? Take care of your buds and your buds will take care of you.

    • marizema

      October 4, 2024 at 4:58 am
      DGC Producer

      Idk got to thinking you’re growing a lot of bud lol 😂 I’d still be hand trimming any and all of my personal smoke. All of mine is for me so I’m willing to put in the time. I try to limit handling. By the time mine hits the jars it’s only been handled a couple of times. I’m not dealing with the volume you’re starting to have 😂. I’ve been there and prayed for a different option too lol. I agree with @oldestschool trimming jail is a direct reflection of success.

  • oldestschool

    October 4, 2024 at 4:24 am
    DGC Producer

    Jail is Jail

    That extra love you put into your flowers reflects in Quality.

  • pungolian

    October 4, 2024 at 4:28 am
    Free Membership

    I bought the ACI bowl trimmer last year to help with my outdoor grow. I think a lot of the success is strain dependant, looser and larfier the bud the more it will get torn up and ruined. I stopped using mine after one plant last year. Totally destroyed my bud. Different outside strains this year and totally different story with the trimmer. Tighter buds mean a better job by the trimmer.. I hand trim all large fans off before placing in the trimmer. I found 4 real easy turns in each direction works great for me. Still took me 3 days to trim outside plants, lol. My inside all get hand trimmed. Oh and that leftover trim with all the keif and fine trimmed suger leave larf are great for tasty quick and easy to roll joints that dont need grinding or prep.

    • marizema

      October 4, 2024 at 4:59 am
      DGC Producer

      Can you show buds that have been through the trimmer? Thx

      • pungolian

        October 4, 2024 at 5:05 am
        Free Membership

        Heres a couple pics i took a couple days ago, wasnt very happy with quality of photos though. Ill see if i can get better ones shortly.

        • marizema

          October 4, 2024 at 5:50 am
          DGC Producer


      • Shortlife

        October 4, 2024 at 7:06 am
        Free Membership

        Here is some flower that went through my bowl trimmer

      • Shortlife

        October 4, 2024 at 7:08 am
        Free Membership

        Here is the amount of Kief recovered from the Bowl Trimmer after running around 1600 grams through it.

  • Droid77

    October 4, 2024 at 8:08 am
    Free Membership

    Bowl trimmers are not bad if you set them up correctly. I hand trimmed for a long time .. but I am old enough now to have arthritis that makes my hands just hurt.. long sessions of hand trimming is legit painful. When I got my bowl trimmers it made a huge difference in how much I enjoyed my growing process. As long as you use the serated blade for the wet or flat blade for dry and you take it slow, as it is not a salad spinner, you bud will come out fantastic. Inside the bowl when I am done there is trichomes, but realistically I just take the vegative material over to my dry sift station for keef later, and then put the very little bit that is in the bowl on a spliff or a bowl and call it a day. This saves me more than 12 hours every 4-6 weeks, a bunch of pain in my hands, and guys when you are growing at that level, you are smoking at that level, and you cannot tell a difference in quality. You just bowl trim until you are at about 85% there and stop. Put it up like that and when you roll you take 3 secs to pull off anything it missed. I will put my buds from my bowl trimmers against any bud out there and I am sure that mine would hold their own.

  • Hash

    October 4, 2024 at 9:27 am
    Free MembershipDGC Producer

    I use a Risentek XLE machine trimmer. Hand trimming personal is cool…and recommended…Hand trimming pounds is not. Lol.

    The Risentek has silicone fingers, variable speed control, a bottom screen to collect hash for rosin making…and doesn’t beat up your buds.

    Right tool for the job at hand, or right tool for the tool using it. Hahah. I wouldn’t make it these days without it. I prefer trim detention over jail or prison. Just saying. ✌️

    • This reply was modified 1 day, 1 hour ago by  Hash.
  • green-ogre-farms

    October 4, 2024 at 12:54 pm
    DGC Producer

    I have the Ac infinity one and use it every harvest. Tops and good middle buds are manicured. mids and accidental smalls are bowl trimmed for give aways and joints. However I don’t grow for profit or weight just to make the best medicine for my family and friends and neighbors. Just #growerslove and #sauceyourbase in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia 💚🤘💚💯⛰️🪴💚🤘

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