Deficiency question and defoliation question.

  • Deficiency question and defoliation question.

    Posted by stonedmycology31 on June 7, 2024 at 8:37 pm

    Whats up everybody?

    Just got a question about a few leaves I noticed that are starting to get discolored. I’m on week 5 of flower with 2 cherry palomas (do you right) and the brunch ( Dark horse genetics??) Im growing in a city picker and earthbox with Buildasoil 3.0 recipe. Temp has been at about 70 for lights off and 75-77 lights on. Humidity running between 46-52%.

    I noticed some rust colored spots on some leaves and some are turning brown and yellow on edges. I noticed about 3 days ago on a handful of leaves. I haven’t seen it get any worse or spread to other leaves yet.

    I have been primarily following buildasoils living soil schedule and using foop nutrients alternating between the two for feedings. Cal mag at quarter dose every watering. I last top dressed with buildaflower, kelp, bokashi, and big 6 in week 3.

    Any idea what deficiency may be? What could best to correct? Also how am I doing? Do I need to defoliate some of the top fan leaves? This is my 3rd grow ever so any feedback is appreciated.

    Thanks DGC!

    Phenominal_Phenos replied 3 months, 4 weeks ago 5 Members · 22 Replies
  • 22 Replies
  • Phenominal_Phenos

    June 8, 2024 at 1:20 pm
    Free Membership

    That looks to be a magnesium deficiency. At this point, in my experience, that plant is telling you it is gonna make a tons of terps, and it needs more magnesium in this phase. I’d try to get a specific magnesium product to add just that little extra. It doesn’t show any signs of needing more calcium.

    In my grow, I’d just make a foliar spray with pure epsom salt and water. (I always wash my buds at the end, so a little salt residue will wash off.

    Or, you could just make an epsom salt water bath for them once or twice a week.

    • stonedmycology31

      June 8, 2024 at 7:29 pm
      DGC Producer

      Thank you. I’ll look into grabbing a magnesium product. I’ll give it a foliar of epsom until I can get my hands on a product. Thanks for the input.

  • Phenominal_Phenos

    June 8, 2024 at 1:23 pm
    Free Membership

    Do you measure your light’s PAR? Sometimes the lighting can affect how much the plant needs of certain things as well. The light can be pushing them too far sometimes.

    What I’m trying to say, is the environment has to be dialed in. Get the VPD correct. Control what you can control, but adjust to the things you can’t. If you cannot change the humidity in your tent for instance, then you may need to give less light, vice versa

    • stonedmycology31

      June 8, 2024 at 7:32 pm
      DGC Producer

      I’m running about 850-950 ppfd and dli is between 37-42 (using photogenic app). I am not running any co2. You think this is too high for no co2 supplementation?

      I’ve been keeping vpd last two weeks between 1.3 – 1.6. Temps are higher than I would like running between 75-78 lights on and 70 lights off. Humidity im keep between 45-55. Some days, like today, we keep thecwindows ooen to save on electricity and will shiot up to 60%. Thanks again for the input.

      • Phenominal_Phenos

        June 8, 2024 at 9:44 pm
        Free Membership

        Seems like you have it dialed. Still, you are at the top end of PAR with no CO2. That should be just fine, but you’re pushing them hard so just keep in mind some certain cultivars will be more sensitive than others.

      • stonedmycology31

        June 9, 2024 at 10:43 am
        DGC Producer

        I ment photone app. Autocorrect got me.

        • Phenominal_Phenos

          June 9, 2024 at 1:38 pm
          Free Membership

          I figured that. I use the same app with their diffuser

  • nateorganic

    June 8, 2024 at 1:29 pm
    Free Membership

    Look like a calcium deficiency to me gypsum would work pretty good in your growing environment

    • stonedmycology31

      June 8, 2024 at 7:34 pm
      DGC Producer

      So should I avoid using cal mag and find a calcium only product. I have a product from buildasoil called amino cal boost. It’s a 7-0-0 would that be ok for flower?

      • nateorganic

        June 8, 2024 at 8:23 pm
        Free Membership

        Are you sure it’s not Agmino? (Amino acid is great but not much help with the issue.) Azomite would be my recommendation It has all your micro and macro nutrients. Yes, I use it though both grow and flower.

        • This reply was modified 3 months, 4 weeks ago by  nateorganic.
        • stonedmycology31

          June 8, 2024 at 8:35 pm
          DGC Producer

          No it’s a buildasoil product. It’s soy aminos mixed with “highly micronized specialty gypsum”. Supposed to be immediatley plant available. I’ll definitely look into the azomite. Thanks.

          • nateorganic

            June 9, 2024 at 3:58 am
            Free Membership

            I have never seen the product but, it sounds like it would work great. There are tons of things out there you just have to try some stuff and see what works best for you:) Just keep on growing:)

  • sellonwheels

    June 8, 2024 at 2:29 pm
    Free Membership

    I’m a semi new grower but every time I’ve had rust spots such as those it has been a calcium deficiency. Magnesium would be more of a full on yellowing of the center of the leaf while retaining darker edges.

    • stonedmycology31

      June 8, 2024 at 8:37 pm
      DGC Producer

      Yah I think I agree with you. After some research looking a little more like calcium deficiency.

  • goodguycanna

    June 9, 2024 at 8:37 am
    Free Membership

    How were the plants before you switched them to flower? Any major stressors?

    I was thinking about cal mag + for quick fixes on my next run.

    Haven’t spent much time researching but I’m getting busier and it would be great to have quick all purpose recipe

    • stonedmycology31

      June 9, 2024 at 9:27 am
      DGC Producer

      Plants where looking healthy before flip. I had some overwatering issues early on in veg but I got them looking healthy again before I flipped. I have been using quarter strength cal mag (general organics) for about the last month every watering. I should have been doing that from the beginning I think.

      • goodguycanna

        June 9, 2024 at 9:37 am
        Free Membership

        They take in less, but I wouldn’t cut that much. Looks like they want more.

  • Phenominal_Phenos

    June 9, 2024 at 9:25 am
    Free Membership

    Magnesium deficiency shows fading or rust in between the veins (like in the pics)

    calcium deficiency shows rust spots as “dots” randomly all over the leaves.

    phosphorus deficiency shows fading and/or rusting on the outer edges of the leaf.

    Do with that info what you will.

    • stonedmycology31

      June 9, 2024 at 10:42 am
      DGC Producer

      So would it be safe to just up my cal mag from quarter strength to full for a few watering? Or is it better to find something with just magnesium?

      • Phenominal_Phenos

        June 9, 2024 at 1:13 pm
        Free Membership

        If I already had cal mag, I’d use that sparingly. You just want to make sure you aren’t giving it too much calcium in order to increase magnesium.

        Again, there may a reason why the magnesium isn’t available or isn’t being taken up. I’ve seen this express itself when the humidity went from 59 to 78. They wanted more magnesium.

        The thing is, your garden is different than mine and everyone else’s. Identifying a deficiency is one thing. Identifying the cause is another. Do what’s best for you.

        I would definitely try dimming the light a little, OR giving a little more calmag. Whatever you try, do one thing at a time. That way you’ll know what worked. The rest of our OPINIONS are just that, and we all are biased by our personal experience in our own grows.

        • stonedmycology31

          June 9, 2024 at 1:35 pm
          DGC Producer

          Ok. That makes alot of sense. I need to water today so I’ll boost my cal mag dose and do that for a week and see if there’s any meaningful change in the next week or 2.

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