Pruning in Flower

  • Pruning in Flower

    Posted by lockebox on May 22, 2024 at 4:05 am

    What’s up DGC hope I’m doing this right, got a question for y’all!

    How do you guys handle pruning in flower? I pruned heavily on day 3 and 21, removing all the lowers and extra foliage at the time.

    Now on day 31 the canopy is completely filled out and overlapping too much for my liking.

    I want to get in there and de-fan like crazy but I’m trying to keep my hands off more this time around. What do y’all think, prune as needed or try to hit target dates?

    Pretty sure i’m gonna prune like crazy to keep problems at bay, but wanted to hear y’all’s thoughts!

    Phenominal_Phenos replied 4 months, 1 week ago 12 Members · 16 Replies
  • 16 Replies
  • herb_hermit

    May 22, 2024 at 5:20 am
    Free MembershipDGC Associate Producer

    I’m glad you asked this being a first timer myself, I did a heavy prune when I switched to 12/12 and since than just been pruning the bigger fans a bit each day, I’m on day 39 and have had zero issues doing it that way….but curious to see other answers on this.

    • mr-tent

      May 22, 2024 at 6:55 am
      Free Membership

      I’d recommend doing purposeful pruning events.. a few days before the change to 12/12, and again 15 to 20 days after flipping to 12/12. Rather than occasional pruning day to day…. This way your plant isn’t constantly dealing with the stress of loss of leaves. That’s my only guidance.. you don’t really have to worry about being too aggressive assuming your plants are healthy and environment / feed schedule is on point.

      • twoarrows_

        May 22, 2024 at 7:45 am
        Free Membership

        That does seem to be the recommended method. In my experience, a “defoliation” is the process of removing a lot of leaves all at once. Which is something I practice, with purpose – at specific intervals (like doc said)

        However, i regularly pluck a few leaves here and there when necessary. There’s many reasons for doing it, maybe some leaves are drying out, too big and not photosynthesizing enough, blocking light to lower bud sites etc. Ultimately i think it’s fine, it’s what happens in nature when an animal eats a few leaves

  • xdave420x

    May 22, 2024 at 7:37 am
    Free Membership

    i do a good trimming before the switch and then some spot pruning here and there during flower. works for me

  • suruleus

    May 22, 2024 at 1:35 pm
    Free Membership

    Personally, mostly because I run seeds. I just prune when the plant needs it. In order to maintain optimal airflow and light penetration to my cola sites. If you run a certain cut multiple times you can learn it’s ways and what it likes to nail down days, but I just do a major before the flip and then just prune/train almost daily straight through. I try to never remove too much at one time and the plants seem to not mind.

  • senorvertoyayubi

    May 22, 2024 at 6:06 pm
    Free MembershipDGC Executive Producer

    I really only do one defoliation. Typically the same day as I put it into my “flower tent”. The rest is just pruning any deep red fans which typically are only a few leaves to take. Today I tokay a totally of 12 leaves from 7 plants.

    • uncleluke61

      May 22, 2024 at 9:20 pm
      DGC Producer

      I do the before flower trim then 21 days. Then 42 days. I will pick here an there,mostly to keep bud sites open an air flow. Also any large fans go. That’s just my 2.00$ inflation:)I just trimmed up these autos gorilla strawberry 42 days in. I also trim out wimpy weak branches that are low in the canopy.

      Ok im done🤣

  • pappaza_8

    May 23, 2024 at 4:33 pm
    DGC ProducerFree Membership

    I’m new here…but I’m heading into week 10 and since week 8 I’ve been pruning moving supporting (spears are falling over) heavy at times…dropping temp, humidity …like I said I’m new but 2 years of growing and I think I posted some pics lol of day 63!…

  • Phenominal_Phenos

    May 23, 2024 at 5:11 pm
    Free Membership

    I’d throw a trellis net on those. The buds are only going to get bigger and heavier. The branches aren’t strong enough to support it. They’re gonna need support of some kind.

    • lockebox

      May 23, 2024 at 5:17 pm
      Free Membership

      Yeah a trellis would definitely be good! Not sure if you were responding to my original post but I like to stake em as I go and keep everything free!

      • Phenominal_Phenos

        May 25, 2024 at 5:23 pm
        Free Membership

        Yes. I was responding to the OP. I used to use stakes, but I’m lazy

  • tokez

    May 23, 2024 at 6:05 pm
    Free Membership

    I run autos so there isn’t a whole bunch of defoliation that I do. I let them go wild in veg then the first sign of lady bits im mowing out most of the big stuff. I leave anything that I feel can uptake light without getting in the way of progress. This is also when I lop off any of the lower branches that I feel might be a waste of energy. I’m new myself! Just pulled my first harvest but this has worked well for me so far with good results. I like seeing and hearing how different people get great results in so many ways!

    • This reply was modified 4 months, 2 weeks ago by  tokez.
    • tokez

      May 23, 2024 at 6:06 pm
      Free Membership

      This is my everything 4×4 atm while I get everything ready for the second 4×4 and propagation tent. I am about to switch to photos and try my hand at perpetual harvest

  • paddy-o-toker

    May 24, 2024 at 1:38 am
    Free Membership

    I prune on a schedule.

    Week before I flip.

    Day 21 everything with a pedial except the top 2 leaves.

    Day 41 Cleanup any covered bud sites and large leaves.

    Day 63 everything I can take in prep for the day 70 harvest.

    Best of luck, I prune and pluck I don’t tuck!

    • lockebox

      May 24, 2024 at 2:01 am
      Free Membership

      Aye I like that haha, I’m a plucker myself tucking leads to moisture buildup and micro climates in my experience

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