Soil 4 Dots N Charge?

  • Soil 4 Dots N Charge?

    Posted by myokgarden on July 18, 2024 at 3:29 pm

    Got some Dots and Charge today. Just went down a soil rabbit hole online. My eyes feel like used charcoal! Got some peat, perlite and mycorrhizae. What else will I need? 3gal container to run the fastest autoflower I can find. Will buy a premix if recommended.

    myokgarden replied 2 months, 1 week ago 5 Members · 11 Replies
  • 11 Replies
  • Droid77

    July 18, 2024 at 3:50 pm
    Free Membership

    A lot of people have great luck with cana coco coir, either with it without perlite (even though it doesn’t need it) but if you are looking at soil there are so many different camps that it can get overwhelming. The truth is that most bags of soil are the same. They are really just different levels of sifting out the larger pieces. However if you are growing outdoors you may want those larger pieces to protect your moisture .. I personally stay away from anything that is “enriched” or “pre-certified” and prefer to go with an old growers mix from the sixties… Get the most generic topsoil you can find. No nutrients added. These are usually about 6$ or less for 2 cubic feet. Run that over a simple sifter, you can even use an old section of screen from a window staples to a frame. The goal is to get anything larger than about a 1/4″ out of the mix. Set aside anything that wouldn’t shake out ( I use a fencing with 1/4″ – 1/2 holes I believe it was meant for a rabbit hutch). Now you have some great inert soil you can add in the following recipe:

    60% soil

    20% perlite (for drainage)

    20% vermiculite ( for water retention)

    Now follow recommended growdot formula, premix everything in, not just topdress,water in with plain water and put your auto in. Now check your soil daily and if when you put your finger into it up to the second knuckle it is dry, then water with recharge every other watering. Start with 1/4 your pot volume until you are watering every day, then move to half volume, again until you are watering every day. At this point you will be in flower and you can water daily with about .8 of your pot volume safely continuing to alter are recharge and you with end up with some dank stank.

    • myokgarden

      July 18, 2024 at 7:27 pm
      Free Membership

      I think I’m gonna try both. Grabbed a bag of vermiculite. Gonna have to order the canna coco. Waiting on an auto pack anyway. Going with a fast buds guava auto. Thank you for going into detail.

  • shegrows

    July 18, 2024 at 3:54 pm
    Free Membership

    I just use grow dots and happy frog soil with a little worm castings. my plants do great.

    • myokgarden

      July 18, 2024 at 4:04 pm
      Free Membership

      Ty. I know I’ve seen Happy Frog around here at a few places. I did good with Sunshine Mix#4. Tried making up my own soil and added too much peat I think. Was having trouble with figuring out the watering. Anyway, good to know and thanks for the recommendation.

  • myokgarden

    July 18, 2024 at 3:57 pm
    Free Membership

    Probably a stupid question but could I use peat for the water retention?

    • shegrows

      July 18, 2024 at 4:09 pm
      Free Membership

      I’m not a fan of peat…unless I mix it with happyfrog

    • myokgarden

      July 18, 2024 at 4:11 pm
      Free Membership

      Last question was for first respondent. This site is great but I get lost in operation sometimes.

  • mrtimbobway

    July 22, 2024 at 5:08 pm
    DGC Producer

    May I recommend Fox Farms Bushdoctor Coco Loco, a large handful of Wiggle Worm worm castings, 3 Tbs grow dots (if using 3 gallon pots), water with recharge once a week. It’s a simple mix that you can expand on with each grow as you learn.

    • myokgarden

      July 22, 2024 at 5:48 pm
      Free Membership

      Yes you may. Thought I had my mind made up. Seeds arrived today and when I stared at my empty pot, I said SumBitch! I do know I want non amended coco of some sort I think?

  • SlamFM

    July 30, 2024 at 1:06 pm
    Free Membership

    What did you end up getting? I’m using Coco Loco right now and I’m liking it more than Happy Frog, so far. I’d like to do just Coc, just need to get some.

    • myokgarden

      July 30, 2024 at 1:24 pm
      Free Membership

      Mixed some coco and husks I thinks they are called. In place of perlite. Had maybe a couple handfuls of mushroom compost left that I tossed in. Just waiting on a seed to pop… well pop a lil more I guess…

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