THC Tinctures
THC Tinctures
I’ve dabbled with making my own herbal tinctures in the past. eg. Dandelion and Cleavers Tincture for their medicinal properties. I make it by simply placing fresh material in vodka and letting it steep for a month or two. I use it by placing 10-15 drops under my tongue.
Im interested in making a THC tincture, which would have the psychoactive properties as well as all the medicinal characteristics that cannabis can provide. My understanding is that HEAT is necessary in any type of production of cannabis for THC to become available to our bodies.
If I were to heat the freshly prepared concoction, would I not burn off the alcohol and be left with a tar like oil? How long does heat need to be maintained? Should I heat it up, then immediately let it cool before it would ever reach an oil like nature?
Im curious about making my own cannabis medicine that needs not to be smoked.
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