Reply To: Why are my trichomes not turning amber?

  • budwinjones

    June 2, 2024 at 7:32 am

    !!!Old School Hippie-Science Incoming!!!

    Ever hear folks say that the resin/trichomes are the plant’s sunscreen?

    I’ve had this issue when I’m running plants indoors that are opposite the season outside – harvesting Spring-Summer. I think nature kinda “knows”.

    I’ll turn my light intensity down from 60% to 40% (1000ish ppf to 700ish) and run cooler temps with more direct of a breeze during my last week. I think it signals the planet to finish up like it’s the end of fall.

    The explanation is total Bro-science, I haven’t researched it, but it’s an SOP for me at this point because it works.