New Grower with some hydro and tent questions
New Grower with some hydro and tent questions
Hey everyone. im looking for some advice. im fighting my tent on my first grow. my plants are growing hydro. they are about 2 weeks old. im having 2 issues. one is keeping my VPD in a happy place. when i keep my vpd around .8 it throws my tent temp way down…around 60. if i force my temp up…my VPD lives around the 1 mark. running an exhaust fan, heater and humidifier.
my other struggle i think is my PPM of my water. it keeps creeping up. my roots are just now starting to reach the water and are now starting to be exposed from the clay pebbles. the pebbles were washed before starting. im wondering if its just material from the pebbles washing up. should i reset the bucket now that the water will be below the pebbles for the remainder of the grow?
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