First thing I do is raise the plants or lower the lights a little bit. You will find your sweet spot with seedlings through experience, so they do not become leggy. You can get away with burying them deeper however, keep in mind to keep the soil very fluffy. I like to personally get my soil wet first before transplanting. Not where it’s running off water or anything. Just moist and then fluff it up. Plants your little guy in that nice fluffy. moist media. Think about all the little pockets of air, providing relief to the plant if it is too wet. Those little air pockets of moist air seem to really turn on the plant. Then, if the stem wants to throw roots, it is welcome to. And if it doesn’t want to, then it has oxygen to breathe and not drowned and rot. The number one reason people kill their house plants when they transplant, overwatering. Overwatering out the transplant stage is so common. There’s always this impulse to drowned the pot to get all the media wet. It’s so incredibly opposite of what we need to do.
This reply was modified 1 month ago by sunny.