Simple ebb and flow for a 2×4 tent

  • Casadelwhacko

    January 17, 2025 at 10:54 am
    DGC Producer

    I’m in love man!! I’ve been looking for a lid solution… fuckin’ A brother. I’ve been chasing my own tail with blinders on. 🤣Thank you!🤘🏼Wicked set up man!

  • variant

    January 17, 2025 at 11:30 am
    DGC ProducerFree Membership

    I dig it man! I like how the rez are under the table and act as back up to potential leak. or floods since most of it is likely to end up right back in the Rez. I run a RDWC in a Dutch bucket set up. configured in a way that provides a similar perk. Under the tops is a shelf that moves to access similar cut section of lid for watering. Each side uses 14 gal rez feeding 3 totes.

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