• Does anyone have any home made/ diy cO2 methods??

      • Candles work magic

        • Definitely beeswax candles

          • Run 2 tents in flower but alternate the light between the two tents where one is light on and the other one light off and the plants will put out Co2 while in darkness so the other tent can use the extra Co2 and vice versa I have had great results using this method when I didn’t have a Co2 tank setup!

            • Burning candles also work great but you just have to be careful with them because they have an open flame 🔥 and we don’t need that kind of fire lol we’re trying to get the other type of fire lol

            • I’m curious about living soil temperature and what is best for microbial life and nutrient uptake. Does it even matter?

              what are your thoughts?

                • If you add a “beneficial microbe and fungus pack” such as recharge or others. The ones that are best are living in that soil in those conditions are the ones that will live. This is why you mix these up just right before you use them. If you mixed them up and stored them you’d only have things left that can live pretty much totally water borne.

                  • Well think of it like this. A cellar is about 32f to 40f and that is around 5 feet to 10 feet deep. So growing will be in the first foot to 3 feet deep. and your average temps at 2 foot mark 50f and up. Microbs like what the root temp likes and that would be from 50f to 85f. I find the sweet spot to grow microbs is around 75f. but as long as…

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                  • What temps do you run for mid flower?

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                  • I’m am headed out of town for 4 days. I’m watering the plants the night I leave, but I fear they will need water on the third day… I have no irrigation system, but I have a friend coming over to water.

                    my question is what do you do to take care of your plants when your gone for an extended period of time??

                    lakeeriemonster and pungolian
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                    • I have one of my adult kids come over and water and use FaceTime so I can monitor and help them do it correctly

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                    • 2 liter bottle. Hole in the lid with a qtip sitting in the soil. Small hole on the bottom to allow the water to drip. Works perfect for a short time away. Ive done it a few times in 3 and 5 gallons being gone 3 or 4 days.

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                    • What media are you growing in and what phase of the grow are you in? I grow in FFOF and have gone away for 4 days in mid flower. Just give them a good watering before you leave. I also put the fans inside my tent on a timer, so they are not running 24/7. The fans tend to dry out media faster

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                    • My wife or kids take care of them. Just one cup of water every other day. I do leave them the water i want them to use.

                      Just don’t let them dry out completely.

                      This works for me on 7 day trips all the time. I feed and heavily water then gone for 7

                      • If you’re worried about the 3rd day but coming back on the 4th I would suggest overwatering right before you leave. Water the pots and then extra water in the overflow tray. I like everybody else’s suggestion too. I’ve heard of people just giving them a big over water though.

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                      • Hey this will be my first post here, I am in my first year of growing indoor this is my second run and I am in my 2nd week of flower since switching light cycle. I have a slight leaf twist in my one plant and rigid edges on the other. I’m thinking the light be too close so I adjusted accordingly. Anything too worry about? Im open and…

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                        • Can you download the Photone app on your phone it will tell you your ppfd range if it is to much

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                        • No issue here. You’re light is not too intense. If you see leaves twisting or deforming check soil pH.

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                        • Looks better than my last run! Hahahaha😂.
