Very good dude, nice eye. Buddy upstairs sent it to me and asked me the same question. With the pic so bad, I couldn’t tell what he was talking about.
But even with this bad pic
You saw it. Nice eye dude 👌
It’s a Pathogen that messes up your harvest. Buds turn out airy like nothing left to harvest.
Look it up, it’s important.
Soon we will have to buy seeds and clones from only tested vendors.
At least I hope we will be able too.
Starting a list of known strains that love GrowDots
Thanks folks. That was what I like to see. More Success stories and failures. We trying to help the new growers not get pissed and not grow again because of an over sensitive strain they picked to start.
I’ve been picking up a lot of used equipment and they all say the same thing. So many troubles that I’d rather just buy it at the store.
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