• @scottyreal @jmystro 👋 bros, my Recharge showed up at 4am today, thanks Amazon, I get up at 5 anyway. Grabbed it running out the door for work and notice that it felt like a brick, solid.

      Arrive home from work and get the clear shipping bag opened then rip open the recharge. Yep solid black brick, I chipped off a corner.

      All my previous bags have been soft powdery dark dankness. Knowing that recharge should be used ASAP after adding to your water.. I probably shouldn’t even try using? Send back to Amazon and order another pack? How can I get this stuff in my local shop? Spectrum Hydro in Santafe Springs California

      • Tell your local shop to order and stock recharge for you because you regularly use it in your garden!

      • Is that recharge really not good anymore? Mine showed up like that also but was my first time purchasing and I’m a new grower. I’ve been using it with no issues.

        • @thebeast88 You may not be having issues, but it may not be as effective as it would be as a powder. Both bags I’ve purchased direct from Real Growers have come in as powders. I would sure send back to Amazon or ask for a replacement from wherever you got it….

          • @thebeast88 I’ve used it in this way before without any problems it’s just the powdered molasses that picks up some humidity and hardens like brown sugar but it still works great 👍

            • @wrath420 As I understand it, some of the bacteria and fungal stuff is activated by moisture and is only active for a short period of time, which is why they recommend you use it immediately after adding to water. If it gets wet enough to harden, it has likely activated the other good stuff and it is now not viable or not as active as it would be had it stayed in it’s dry powdered form.

              • @LoboGrow I’m just saying I have used it in this form before and I had the same results as before so I’m saying it was still pretty active!

          • Looks like the package may have been punctured at some point allowing moisture in.

            • Bro Amazon abuses my Recharge! There outta be a law. Hmu w/ your address and order # and I’ll resend it myself. Maybe with a couple goodies 😉 Do you grow autos or pop beans? Somewhere they’ve got a bin of damaged Recharge they randomly pull from! Growers love and thank you for the support!

              • Mine also showed up like this from Amazon and have been using with good results, but looks like I’m going right to the real growers website next time!

                • Placed my order for recharge on real growers. And set up my Amazon return. Thanks

                  • Yeah, just just got mine with a bag of dots. It’s vacuumed sealed, just smash it up into powder and use. It’s not bad just compressed

                    • Mine same as it works great. You should see my wild korean sweetpotato grow. Stuff is growing so aggressively