• OK another question guys I know you can take a mail And put it with a female and I suppose both will pollinate up I know males they produce seeds and then also females produce seeds which are the best seeds to take for replnish for ones self?

      burny, luckybowlpacker209 and Sasquatch
      • Only females produce seeds. The males push pollen out their sexual organs and Each hair on your female plant can become a seed. At least this is what breeders I’ve been watching on youtube have said.

        • ZoomyCat (edited)

          So if you’re a good grower. Just take your best male and female to pull the best genetics forward.

          Lots of hairs.

          • Or you can do micro breeds with the branches you cut off to test the gender of the plants. Provided they are Photo period plants.

        • Thank you see I learn something new everyday