• Hey dgc. I’ve been seeing a weird phenomenon happening on my blueberry auto flowers. I’m about 2 weeks away from harvest and I’ve white parts on my buds. It looks kind of like the eyes on a potato. What is causing this and is it safe to smoke.

      crazydaze412, QualicumChronic and 7 others
      • Photo bleaching? I’m not positive but I remember seeing pics of that somewhere else. Something to do with light intensity I believe.

        • Looks like bananas or light burn if it’s light burn I would take it down last time my shit went all yellow if it’s bananas you could keep the pollen and sell it or make seeds but that’s my opinion and there is no right or wrong way to grow as long as you can get smoke

          • The photo is pretty blurry so I may be wrong here but those look like nanners (intersex/male sacs) to me. If you could zoom in and take a picture of just one of those it would be really helpful.

            • @pacnw-dan

              • Doesn’t look like bleaching to me. Honestly, I’m not sure what it is; they look closest to “nanners” which are intersex/male pollen sacs. I’ve never seen this before otherwise. Following with interest…

                • Also, how close is your light and what type?

                • @pacnw-dan mars hydro ts 3000 about 16 inches above canopy.

                  • Yeah, I guess it’s possible you could have bleaching going on there. Center at 18″ is about 1300PPFD which is likely too bright. Unless you’re adding CO2, you’ll want to run that light closer to 24″ above canopy and dim it to 80%, which would give about 700PFD which is about all the light your plants can use without augmenting CO2.

                • If you have a Jeweler’s Loop put it in front of the camera on your phone and try to get a closer picture hard to tell in this picture

                • I read an article about white tips (different from photo bleaching), could be a good thing… Looks like true white tips have higher THC/CBD levels. At least that’s what the study said.. I’ve never seen either personally.

                  • I’ve had photobleaching before. This does not look like it to me. It wouldn’t just be spots, but the entire tops would bleach…the parts closest to the light, and the parts closer to the center getting the worst of it.

                    It didn’t seem to affect potency or anything else besides bleaching the color.

                    That said, the pic seems blurry to me. A sharper image would help to see it more precisely

                      • Wouldn’t think a loupe necessary here, just a nice clear close up. Initial thought was rodelization, clearer, closer pics are needed

                      • I’m thinking you might have white tips because the formation doesn’t look like light burn. I think you’re looking at one or the other though.

                        • Hiya, I had exactly the same on my first ever grow and was told it was mold, someone else said light burn and someone else said white tip… three people, three answers and a very confused first time grower. I persevered with the grow and finished it, no issues. I so have some of this harvest stashed away, it’s REALLY good compared to subsequent grows in terms of its effect so my limited experience tells me it is white tips – BONUS!!

                          I also lifted my lights a bit further away – raised about 6″ more

                          I also dropped humidity (controller was set on VPD mode, changed to humidity and kept it lower)

                          I possibly harvested a little earlier than my following grows as I was just worried and didn’t have an amazing online community to refer to like this! My plans were clones of a mate photoperiod hybrid, which is proving to be very resilient with all my mistakes and trialling that I’ve been doing last couple of years.

                          That first grow was OK, pulled 8Oz off a reasonable quality. Next grow with 2 plants and pulled 1lb but much less terps and effect than the first. Third grow I watered and fed significantly less (interval and amount) and voila I found the glass ceiling, pulling 1.5lb of real nice flower (dried and trimmed) from the tent. Learned a valuable lesson and now I only use A&B plus calmag on occasions. (I expand my coco in a calmag-rich nutrient feed initially, then only use calmag when needed, the last feed before flipping and then at 3 weeks into flower.

                          I added a teaspoon of raw unsulfured molasses at start of flower and at 2 week intervals (does make a positive/ good difference in flavour)

                          Anyway, TLDR it looks like white tips to me as I had exactly the same. But I’m not massively experienced (yet) keep a close eye on your environment and lift your lights a bit.

                          Have fun growing and dank nugs man
