Has anyone ever had white pistols/hairs start growing on your buds in late flower? Week 8 is almost over and it’s a 9 week strain recommended. Just wait another week? I’ve heard I should dim my light? Any help is appreciated
Is that an auto? Growing new calyxes late in flower is called foxtailing. Ruderalis loves to grow like this. One of the gorilla’s has a really bad tendency to do this as well. Avoid autos and gorilla strains is how I avoid foxtailing lol.
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Totally up to you. How are the trichomes looking on the older calyxes?
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What’s up everyone, new grower here on my 2nd run. I’m trying to figure out why one of my plants looks like this, it has some spotting it appears, any help would be appreciated 🙌
you spray them with anything ?
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It could be nothing to worry about. It also looks like early signs of tobacco mosaic virus. I had it in my grow and it ruined every single plant by spreading. I had to start completely from scratch. I lost all my genetics. That’s what forced me to pop my own stock.
The worst part is is doesn’t look like a big problem until you’re too…
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Little more food
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Could be the start of the leaf miners
I’m pretty sure that guy is wrong about whatever sickness he said your plants had. I actually got this mutation with a set of Bruce Banner 2.0 seeds. 4/4 and if treated right it typically gives you more bud sites.
Can anyone help me out with some advice on if I should wait or is she good to go? Sorry 1st harvest EVER
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Looks good to me. I say harvest and get them hung up in a good drying environment.
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Yeah look good I see some amber I would be comfortable taking that one down. And that’s a beautiful job for your first run 😁 😁 amazing job
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Well done! 👍
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Good first grow. I’m the worst at seeing amber. I can see the clear and cloudy but when they start turning amber something in my eye won’t let me see it. So I just harvest a few days or so after completely cloudy lol. Hasn’t failed me yet
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