• Hoping someone running floraflex nutrients can help me, my plants always get very light green in week 4-5 and on, current strain finishes in 11 weeks total, what can I add to prevent this from happening? By the time I hit week 6-7 on a 8 week strain my plants have suffered severe nitrogen deficiency to the point where many leaves are dead or…

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    • those numbers seem low to me. I thought for veg you wanna be around 1.3ec and 700ppm depending on your medium

    • “Long time listener, first time caller” what’s the best way to go about pheno hunting? Several small plants in 3g or 4 to 6 big plants? Have 2 4×4 tents that I veg/flower in and one little 2×2 I store clones in, usually my 4x4s are staggered where I dry in one when finished, and by the time my crop is dry I move the 2nd tent harvest to the…

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      • My scientific background would be , clones in solo cup , 2 weeks veg , top -clone , 4th week flip , keep clone under 24h light , or keep the mothers in solo cups 18-24 lights on , if the clones turn out nice just report mom and keep 18+h lights on forever and just keep taking cuttings

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      • No veg. 1-3 gallon pots depending on estimated flower time.

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