endo-monte posted an update 2 months ago
Ok everyone, I’m new to the grow game. I’m a veteran and started my own grow for my own medical reasons. This isn’t available where I am at and the VA pushes pills. I have a question that’s probably simple for some.
I have a 4×4 as my main flowering. ACINFINITY Complete set ups. I bought this product before I found your show. Great quality I…
Idk I just take what I can get. Lots of air flow helps me. I’m in a very hot and humid environment. My ac runs 24/7. I’m generally in the 60-70% area. I crank the ac when I’m hanging plants to get it as cold as possible.
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I’m in humidity village Louisiana and I get my humidity down to about 50% – 60% inside my tents when it’s 80-90%RH outdoors and I have 3 tents in my backyard shed in a small lung room I built in the shed!
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You should be more worried about VPD than low temps. For most of flower 80+ temps are fine. It’s only late stage flower that it becomes more of a concern. Strategic defoliation can be a game changer when you have a tent packed out to the max. Also some strains are much more resistant to mold and disease than others. Lastly like others said…
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Thank you very much!
So I got some bird seeds that came 5 to a pack . I am having difficulty getting them to sprout. I watch some of you get 1/4 sprouts. I can only get them to bust and show white then they stop. I have done the paper towel method with only being damp and in a dark place inside a container. I just got a clone dome and have 5 more in there with a…
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Thanks for the question! What are you planting them in? I’m wondering if they start ok and then get some stem rot at the base due to moist conditions. They are very sensitive at that point with no ‘woody type stem’ defense
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Once it starts to show any root at all, into the solo cup it goes.
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It sounds like you’re using too much water and you’re drowning them before they can get going! I use the cotton pad method as described here use a spray bottle on mist setting and spray each cotton pad three times and then place the seeds on the pad and cover with another pad and spray the top one time and spray the inside of a ziplock bag…
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I float seed in 5.8 pH in a prescription bottle for 12 hours and then onto a paper towel moistened with Homegrown Cannabis Cos. Germ Genie and pop them into a plastic Chinese takeout box, sitting on top of my warmest tent for 24. I’ve lost one seed in a year. GLOVES and cleanliness are a must too.
I’m gonna do this just once; i soak the seeds for 6-8 hours in water ina clean receptacle with a clean paper towel on it so the seeds get wetted all around if they float. Then put new ph neutral sterile soil in a clean 4″ pot, when i do a hundred i use jiffy peat pellets, but that is a bit different. So i plant the seeds right after soaking,…
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I’m having the same problem but different soil. “Black Gold” for seeds. First timer here as well so I find your question interesting. If you find out anything let me know please.
krommm -
endo-monte posted an update 4 months ago
So I order several different types of bird seed from SeedsNow. All came in and I got some freebies.
Since this is my first time I started with the free beans.
I attempted to germinate the (5) in a cup of water then to a paper towel. Not one of them popped. Continued my attempts to pop them over 5 days not one root.
Did some other freebeis the…
A free waste of time.
endo-monte posted an update 7 months ago
I’m I missing something here. the DGC show hasn’t been on Youtube lately with new shows. Are they just doing the paid patron shows now?
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